
11207 The picture book the Giving Tree-內湖國中彭昌隆老師

臺北市立內湖國民中學 111學年度 英語全英語教學 “Giving Tree”教案   By彭昌隆老師



"The Giving Tree"



Issue Exploration Curriculum


8th-grade students


45 minutes


In response to our school's vision of promoting health, reasoning, and caring, we use English picture books and related activities to help students understand their interactions with others and their surroundings. By engaging reading and discussions, we aim to develop positive qualities such as kindness, respect, and acceptance, fostering a sense of care and understanding in their relationships with both individuals and their surroundings.







綜-J-B1 尊重、包容與欣賞他人,適切表達自己的意見與感受,運用同理心及合宜的溝通技巧,促進良好的人際互動。

英-J-B1 在日常生活常見情境中,能運用所學字詞、句型及肢體語言進行適切合宜溝通與互動。。




綜1a-IV-2 展現自己的興趣與多元能力,接納自我,以促進個人成長。

英 3-IV-12 能熟悉重要的閱讀技巧,如擷取大意、猜測字義、推敲文意、預測後續文意。

英 5-IV-10 能讀懂簡易故事及短文,並能以簡短的句子說出或寫出其內容大意。



輔 Dc-IV-1同理心、人際溝通、衝突管理能力的培養與正向經營人際關係。

英Ae-Ⅳ-6 簡易故事的背景、人物、事件和結局。

英Ae-Ⅳ-8 簡易故事及短文的大意。


1. To understand the concept of sacrificing for others in the picture book "The Giving Tree". (Knowledge)

2. To practice gratitude by composing a thank-you note with the appropriate vocabulary and sentence pattern. (Skill)

3. To promote awareness about the sacrifices made by others and willingness to practice gratitude. (Attitude)




Assessment Checkpoints



Begin by asking students if they have ever given away something for someone they care about.


1. Play the animated picture book video on Youtube. Once the first part of the video is finished, pause and ask the students what the tree gives to the boy.

2. Play the second part of the video. Pause and ask the students to read aloud the lines of the tree, helping them understand the kind tone the tree is speaking with. Encourage the students to pay attention to the tree’s emotion. Then, continue playing the rest of the second part, pause once more, and ask students about the boy's needs and what the tree gives away to make him happy.

3. Play the third part of the video. Pause and ask the students to read aloud the lines of the tree, helping them understand the kind tone the tree is speaking with, but note that it may not be the same as the last time. Encourage students to pay attention to the changing emotions expressed by the tree. Then, continue playing the rest of the third part, pause once more, and ask the students about the boy's needs and what the tree gives away to make him happy.

4. Play the fourth part of the video, then pause and ask the students why there are only two lines this time. Encourage them to think about the change. After that, continue playing the rest of the fourth part, pause once more, and ask the students about the boy's needs and what the tree gives away to make him happy. Finally, encourage them to think about why the tree still wants to give, even though it is not happy at all.

5. Play the last part of the video. Pause and ask students to read aloud the lines of the tree regarding its inability to give away anything. Ask them to consider whether the tree can still give something. Then, continue playing the rest of the last part, pause once more, and ask students to predict what can the tree give the boy this time. Lastly, ask them whether the tree is happy now and why they think so.


1. Encourage the students to think of someone who has made significant contributions to their lives, while also making sacrifices. Ask them to share the specific actions and sacrifices made by this person.

2. Inquire about the students' reactions when they received these acts of kindness. Ask them to reflect on their responses and emotions when accepting these acts.

4. Extension Worksheet: Thank-you Note 

1. Ask the students to write a thank-you message using a given sentence frame to show their appreciation to someone who has done a lot for them and made sacrifices.

2. Read the example letter to the students while they write their message.



























Able to share their personal life experiences.



Able to watch the video attentively, read specific lines, and provide appropriate answers to the teacher’s questions.




















Able to think of someone who has made significant contributions and sacrifices for them.

Able to think of the answers to the teacher’s questions.


Able to use correct vocabulary and sentence patterns and follow a provided sentence frame to write a thank-you note.


Worksheet (Thank-you note with a sentence frame)

Dear              , (Who?) 

I want to show my gratitude for your         . (What has he or she done?)

                                                  . (Why?)

                                          . (How do you feel?)

I'm truly grateful for everything you did.

I hope                                                             


With many thanks,

                       (Your name)
